Hi Eric,
you can easily do that with a macro. Select the area of
interest before running it (can be one pixel wide for a
single point).
macro "Plot Stack Profile" {
if (nSlices < 2) exit("Stack required");
offset = 10; //energy of first slice
step = 5; //energy step between slices
x = newArray(nSlices);
y = newArray(nSlices);
for (n=1; n<=nSlices; n++) {
getStatistics(area, mean, min, max, std, histogram);
x[n-1] = offset + (n-1)*step;
y[n-1] = mean;
Plot.create("mean vs. E", "energy", "mean", x, y);
On 18 May 2007, at 14:27, Eric LEROY wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to change the values of a profile generated with the
> plot
> profile command? My problem is that I have a stack of images
> separated with
> an energy step and I want to plot the profile of a pixel or a
> region versus
> the energy and not the slice number. I have a linear relationship
> between
> the slice number and the energy.
> Best regards
> Eric