Changing output of summary window

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Changing output of summary window

Sjouke Piersma
I have searched this forum and the internet, but have not found an answer to my problem. It is probably not that hard to do, but I am fairly new to both ImageJ and java.

What I want to do is to change the output of the summary window. Currently it gives slice, count, total area, average size and area fraction.

There are 2 things I would like to add to this output:
Mean intensity
Standard deviation of this mean intensity

Changing the 'set measurements' options only changes the results window. I am using the Macbiophotonics version of ImageJ.

All the data I want is already in the results window, but since I have a timelapse movie of 204 slices it is too hard to do this manually (especially because there is no separation between slices). Would it be possible to change the output of the summary window by a macro command, or perhaps another way?

Thank you in advance,
Sjouke Piersma