Close non-image Windows

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Close non-image Windows

Dear ImageJ specialists,

Is there a way to close a non-image window from a macro ? From what I
understood, the close() functions is specifically designed to close the
active image, even if a non-image window is selected. So do a function
for any non-image windows exist, or are there workarounds ?


Christophe Leterrier

INSERM UMR641 Neurobiology of ionic channels
IFR Jean Roche
<> -
Mediterranee University
Marseille, France
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Re: Close non-image Windows

Jim Passmore

A while back I wanted to the the same thing.  I managed to find code
similar to the following, which closes the results window, if it is open.

if(isOpen("Results")) {


Jim Passmore
Research Associate
Sealed Air Corporation
[hidden email]
864-433-2927 voice
864-433-2205 fax

ImageJ Interest Group <[hidden email]> wrote on 10/01/2007 06:19:17

> Dear ImageJ specialists,
> Is there a way to close a non-image window from a macro ?
> From what I
> understood, the close() functions is specifically designed
> to close the
> active image, even if a non-image window is selected. So
> do a function
> for any non-image windows exist, or are there workarounds ?
> Christophe
> --
> Christophe Leterrier
> Postdoc
> INSERM UMR641 Neurobiology of ionic channels
> IFR Jean Roche
> <> -
> Mediterranee University
> Marseille, France