Closing ImageJ with images open, resurface of old bug?

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Closing ImageJ with images open, resurface of old bug?

Dear all,
         I'm running IJ 1.37s (java 1.5.0_03) in XPpro, and noticed
that ImageJ can hang (unresponsive) when closing the application with
several image windows left open. Following the initial dialog asking
whether to save an image, all GUI are locked. Since this was a bug
that had been squashed previously, perhaps it has resurfaced.  I
don't recall seeing it with java1.3
         Has anyone else seen this, or perhaps my installation has
been corrupted. (or perhaps one of my image processing steps induces

Vytas Bindokas, Ph.D.
Research Assoc. / Assoc. Prof.,
Director, BSD Light Microscopy Core Facility
Dept Neurobiol Pharmacol Physiol MC0926
947 E 58th Street
The University of Chicago
Chicago IL 60637
Room 1007 (CLSC)


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