Co-localization Protocols

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Co-localization Protocols


I am currently trying to figure out a method to identify double-labeled BrdU/Zenk and triple-labeled BrdU/Zenk/Hu cells in my images. I found a plug in called "Just another colocalization protocol" and I have attempted to run it a couple times to identify double-labeled cells, but I cannot get it to work. Does anyone have experience with this Plug-in who could help? Or a suggested for another plug-in? Thank you!
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Re: Co-localization Protocols

Hi rmaeda,

From your description it sounds like you need segmentation, meaning the
fraction of cells labeled with Zenk that also have Hu, rather than
colocalization, which correlates Zenk and Hu labeling on a pixel-by-pixel
basis.  If you are working with tissue culture, I think CellProfiler could
meet your needs with no problem.  That is a free and open source program
designed specifically for that sort of segmentation problem.  The
tutorials available on YouTube are quite excellent.  There are many
segmentation protocols available for ImageJ/Fiji as well; I prefer
CellProfiler largely because it is purpose-built for the application and
quite user-friendly.  Segmentation algorithms have a harder time with
tissue sections but I believe some have succeeded with that application as

All the best,


Timothy Feinstein, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
University of Pittsburgh Department of Developmental Biology

On 3/15/16, 3:27 PM, "ImageJ Interest Group on behalf of rmaeda"
<[hidden email] on behalf of [hidden email]> wrote:

>I am currently trying to figure out a method to identify double-labeled
>BrdU/Zenk and triple-labeled BrdU/Zenk/Hu cells in my images. I found a
>in called "Just another colocalization protocol" and I have attempted to
>it a couple times to identify double-labeled cells, but I cannot get it to
>work. Does anyone have experience with this Plug-in who could help? Or a
>suggested for another plug-in? Thank you!
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>Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at
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Re: Co-localization Protocols

Ah ok! I have never actually worked with CellProfiler before! Thanks for the recommendation!

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 4:03 PM, TimFeinstein [via ImageJ] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi rmaeda,

From your description it sounds like you need segmentation, meaning the
fraction of cells labeled with Zenk that also have Hu, rather than
colocalization, which correlates Zenk and Hu labeling on a pixel-by-pixel
basis.  If you are working with tissue culture, I think CellProfiler could
meet your needs with no problem.  That is a free and open source program
designed specifically for that sort of segmentation problem.  The
tutorials available on YouTube are quite excellent.  There are many
segmentation protocols available for ImageJ/Fiji as well; I prefer
CellProfiler largely because it is purpose-built for the application and
quite user-friendly.  Segmentation algorithms have a harder time with
tissue sections but I believe some have succeeded with that application as

All the best,


Timothy Feinstein, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
University of Pittsburgh Department of Developmental Biology

On 3/15/16, 3:27 PM, "ImageJ Interest Group on behalf of rmaeda"
<[hidden email] on behalf of [hidden email]> wrote:

>I am currently trying to figure out a method to identify double-labeled
>BrdU/Zenk and triple-labeled BrdU/Zenk/Hu cells in my images. I found a
>in called "Just another colocalization protocol" and I have attempted to
>it a couple times to identify double-labeled cells, but I cannot get it to
>work. Does anyone have experience with this Plug-in who could help? Or a
>suggested for another plug-in? Thank you!
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>Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at
>ImageJ mailing list:
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