Colocalize, huh?

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Colocalize, huh?

Perry, Griffin M
Dear Listserv Users,


I have taken z-stacks of nerve tissue and am trying to quantify via
colocalization certain receptors in the nerve fibers.  With the WCIF
ImageJ bundle, there are many colocalization plugins but not very many
help files.  Can anyone help me try and find a solution?  


I just want to find the area of the nerve fiber above a certain
threshold and the percentage of the receptor that is colocalized on the
nerve fiber.


Colocalization Finder was updated last week, but with the new version, I
don't understand where I can set the threshold; it automatically
thresholds the image.  Can you manually threshold the image?  And what
is the ratio all about?  Which ratio?


All plugins are not created equally.  Which one can help us in our




Griffin Perry and Lisa Alvarado, DDS

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Re: Colocalize, huh?


Here are some details about the Colocalization Finder plugin.
You don't need to give any threshold numbers, you can just use an
closed selection tool on the scatterplot and then click in that
selection to update the mask image and the results  table. The lower
left corner of the scatterplot is 0 value in both channels. The upper
right corner is 255 in both channels.
The min and max threshold in each channel is displayed in the results
table as i1min, i1max , i2min and i2max. Of course if you use an oval
or freehand selection, theses values will be those of the bounding
rectangle of your selection.
Setting a ratio can under some circumstances help you to get rid of a
background channel crosstalk. Think of your samples being labelled
with only one marker, but imaged in both channels (This is a control
you should perform anyway). If this marker is also a little bit
visible in the other channel (cross talk or bleed through), the ratio
between the two signals will hopefully be small. This just means that
the relevant signal is significantly higher than the cross talk
Setting a ratio threshold will let the plugin only consider those
pixels in which the ratio between the two signals is above a certain
value (again this value should be determined with single-labelled


On 9/4/06, Perry, Griffin M <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Colocalization Finder was updated last week, but with the new version, I
> don't understand where I can set the threshold; it automatically
> thresholds the image.  Can you manually threshold the image?  And what
> is the ratio all about?  Which ratio?