Colour Cameras for Fluorescence Capture (Apple & Windows)

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Colour Cameras for Fluorescence Capture (Apple & Windows)

Michael P Ellis
Firstly an apology, this post is not specifically ImageJ related. But I am posting here since I hope someone in this community may have relevant information to help me.

I am looking for a USB, scientific grade, colour camera for use with moderately bright fluorescence imaging. Variable exposure time is essential. Ideally I would like the camera to have 10 to 12 bit per colour channel but 8 bit per channel may be investigated too.

In addition for integration with our software I am looking for a camera with drivers and a  common API for both Windows and Apple OS-X platforms.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks -- Michael Ellis

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Re: Colour Cameras for Fluorescence Capture (Apple & Windows)

Curtis Rueden
Hi Michael,

> Firstly an apology, this post is not specifically ImageJ related. But
> I am posting here since I hope someone in this community may have
> relevant information to help me.

Why not post at ?

It intentionally has a broader scope for the scientific imaging community,
for just this sort of question.


Curtis Rueden
LOCI software architect -
ImageJ2 lead, Fiji maintainer -
Did you know ImageJ has a forum?

On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 10:38 AM Michael Ellis <[hidden email]>

> Firstly an apology, this post is not specifically ImageJ related. But I am
> posting here since I hope someone in this community may have relevant
> information to help me.
> I am looking for a USB, scientific grade, colour camera for use with
> moderately bright fluorescence imaging. Variable exposure time is
> essential. Ideally I would like the camera to have 10 to 12 bit per colour
> channel but 8 bit per channel may be investigated too.
> In addition for integration with our software I am looking for a camera
> with drivers and a  common API for both Windows and Apple OS-X platforms.
> Any suggestions?
> Many thanks -- Michael Ellis
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: Colour Cameras for Fluorescence Capture (Apple & Windows)

Michael P Ellis

Many thanks - will do.

— ME

> On 29 Oct 2018, at 18:29, Curtis Rueden <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
>> Firstly an apology, this post is not specifically ImageJ related. But
>> I am posting here since I hope someone in this community may have
>> relevant information to help me.
> Why not post at ?
> It intentionally has a broader scope for the scientific imaging community,
> for just this sort of question.
> Regards,
> Curtis
> --
> Curtis Rueden
> LOCI software architect -
> ImageJ2 lead, Fiji maintainer -
> Did you know ImageJ has a forum?
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 10:38 AM Michael Ellis <[hidden email]>
> wrote:
>> Firstly an apology, this post is not specifically ImageJ related. But I am
>> posting here since I hope someone in this community may have relevant
>> information to help me.
>> I am looking for a USB, scientific grade, colour camera for use with
>> moderately bright fluorescence imaging. Variable exposure time is
>> essential. Ideally I would like the camera to have 10 to 12 bit per colour
>> channel but 8 bit per channel may be investigated too.
>> In addition for integration with our software I am looking for a camera
>> with drivers and a  common API for both Windows and Apple OS-X platforms.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Many thanks -- Michael Ellis
>> --
>> ImageJ mailing list:
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

Michael Ellis (Managing Director)
Digital Scientific UK Ltd. <>
[hidden email]
tel: +44(0)1223 911215

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