Dear Sonya,
You can convert your RGB color images to HSB color space (image::type::hsb
stack), which will yield a three slices image stack with hue, saturation
and brightness. Then you're likely to see a shift in hue and saturation
channels with maturation of your berries.
Hi there,
I'm a researcher with the University of Alberta and I'm looking for a
program that will be able to quantify colour saturation. I'm trying to
measure the maturation of berries and therefore need to distinguish between
green, yellows, oranges and reds. I will need to be able to obtain a value
for the degree or saturation of berry colour, eg. dark red vs light red etc.
Do you know if I would be able to do this using Image J?
Thank you for your time and advice.
Very best,
S Pollock, M.Sc
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