Computation time for a series of images

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Computation time for a series of images


I am using imagej and matlab for my project and image analysis of different
series of dicom images. Is there any possibility to calculate the
computation time in imagej?I am doing the thresholding and segmentation of
my images and one of the parameters that I should calculate is the time it
takes to segment my images. It is possible in matlab however, I was
wondering if it is possible to do so in imagej using the plugins or macros?

Thanks a lot,


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Re: Computation time for a series of images

Michael Schmid
Hi Shel,

what about simply getting the time (in milliseconds) before and after
the operation and calculating the difference?


Both return the current time in milliseconds (since 1970-Jan-01, 0:00 UTC)

On 26/09/2018 20:34, Shel wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using imagej and matlab for my project and image analysis of different
> series of dicom images. Is there any possibility to calculate the
> computation time in imagej?I am doing the thresholding and segmentation of
> my images and one of the parameters that I should calculate is the time it
> takes to segment my images. It is possible in matlab however, I was
> wondering if it is possible to do so in imagej using the plugins or macros?
> Thanks a lot,
> Shel

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