Confocal Microscope for sale

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Confocal Microscope for sale

Z.J. Zhang
The University of Wyoming  recently purchased  a new confocal microscope and plans to  sell  its current Leica SP2.

Details of the  LEICA TCS SP2 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope  are:

Microscope: Leica DM IRBE inverted microscope with 10X, 20X, 40X, 63X and 100X objectives; 50 W Fluorescence lamp; filters include DAPI, FITC and TRITC.
Laser lines: 458 nm, 488 nm, 543 nm and 633 nm.
Detectors (PMTs): One transmitted light detector and three fluorescence detectors.

The microscope was purchased in  the year 2000 and it is fully functional. It had been under  a  service contract until 2008, but we haven't had any major problem since then.
The microscope is as is and with no warranties. The University of Wyoming reserves the right to refuse any and all offers.

Please contact me offline if you are interested.

Thank you,


Zhaojie Zhang, Ph. D.
Director, Microscopy Core Facility
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY 82071
PHONE: 307-766-3038
FAX: 307-766-5625