Convert a Grid(Amira) to Stack

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Convert a Grid(Amira) to Stack

Hello there,

I was wondering if there is a way to convert an amira grid (or surface) into a stack (tiff for instance).

Suppose we meshed the 3D region of a porous material (just two phases void and solid). Suppose the grid only cover the solid phase. Suppose I have both gird and surface.
Basically my goal is a binary stack with the boundary between phase 0 and 1 given directly from the Amira surface.

I know the IJ plugin for Amira, so I can import the grid/surface to display it, but no ideaa how to proceed then..
Also if you know how to do it in Amira, it would be great.

Thanks 4 help/inputs, Alex  
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Re: Convert a Grid(Amira) to Stack


On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, alexzive wrote:

> I was wondering if there is a way to convert an amira grid (or surface)
> into a stack (tiff for instance).

It is a non-trivial problem to sample the inside of a surface as a binary
stack. As far as I know, this has not been implemented yet. If you have
the resources to implement it, I will be delighted to give you helpful
