Convert a textfile to an image, HELP!

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Convert a textfile to an image, HELP!

Liisa Palomaa

I need some help!  I wonder if anyone knows if it is possible to
convert textfiles to images in ImageJ. Is there any macros or plugins?
I am scanning boards and need to do some image processing. The
testtextfiles have numbers between 0 and 255 (8bits). I also want to
do some imageprocessing to the images. I need to do following steps:

1. Read a single textfile (size 10*250) and convert to image
2. Read another textfile (size 3*30) and convert to image
3. Match image 1 and image 2. Resize to a special size (20*500).

4. Take the images from step 3 and combine as channels in a single
image. (Maybe I need to do this and the last step in Photoshop)
5. Read in RGB data from RGB images (for the same board that the
textfiles are from) and create a image and merge to a final image.

(The T2 sensor takes a photo of a laser spot in black and white.  Then it
does some processing to determine grain angle and dive angle. The
textfiles in step 1 and 2)

(The RGB camera takes a colour photo of a small section of board.  These
photos can be stitched together to provide a picture of the whole
board. The RGB image in step 5)

The textfiles can for example look like this
1 0 22 159 99 22 29 141 95 86 4 30 81 29
1 1 89 301 273 12 22 25 295 271 29 30 147 26
1 2 95 307 269 11 29 23 283 263 29 30 149 18
1 3 85 285 250 22 29 2 267 242 13 30 133 7
1 4 83 259 225 24 29 3 244 218 14 30 133 10
1 5 87 233 200 18 29 3 218 194 12 30 135 6
1 6 88 209 178 17 29 6 195 172 17 30 137 8
1 7 89 190 158 16 29 179 174 153 10 30 134 0
1 8 88 182 141 16 29 4 152 136 13 30 136 6

I will need to convert the two last columns to an image...

I will scan a lot of boards and need a fast way to convert the
textfiles to images- so it would be a good solution to have a macro or

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Re: Convert a textfile to an image, HELP!


On Mon, 18 Sep 2006, Liisa Palomaa wrote:

> I need some help!  I wonder if anyone knows if it is possible to
> convert textfiles to images in ImageJ.

You probably want to write a macro which uses File.openAsString(path), and
the split() function.

> 1. Read a single textfile (size 10*250) and convert to image

This would be done by

-- snip --
fileName = "image.txt";
width = 10;
height = 250;
newImage(fileName, "8-bit", width, height, 1);
contents = File.openAsString(fileName);
lines = split(contents, "\n");
for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        columns = split(lines[i], " ");
        for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                setPixel(j, i, columns[j]);
-- snap --

> 2. Read another textfile (size 3*30) and convert to image

see above

> 3. Match image 1 and image 2. Resize to a special size (20*500).

I do not know exactly what you mean by "match". Care to explain?

> 4. Take the images from step 3 and combine as channels in a single
> image. (Maybe I need to do this and the last step in Photoshop)

That is easy in ImageJ, too.

> 5. Read in RGB data from RGB images (for the same board that the
> textfiles are from) and create a image and merge to a final image.

You can even do that in a macro!

I think that it would help you most if you just went through
and then through some example macros at
like InvertImage.txt.
