Convert selection?

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Convert selection?

Andy Weller
Dear all,

I have the following macro code that converts a selection to the type
you require:

   run("Create Selection");
   run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=0");
   getSelectionCoordinates(u, v);
   run("Select None");
   makeSelection("polygon", u, v);

Further on in the macro though, if I call run("Restore Selection") then
the selection restored is not the one I 'make' in the above example. I
would've thought that run("Select None") would clear all selections in
memory, so to speak, and the one restored would be the one created.

How can I clear this completely so that the only selection in memory is
the one I create? This way I can manipulate it in several ways, then
always return the original.

Many thanks, Andy