Hi skaylor
I'm familiar with DICOM, but not with v2. You haven't said how far you've got. Have you got as far as importing a v2 sequence? If you've read in your sequence, then you might want to try the Tudor DICOM toolkit<
http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=plugin:inputoutput:the_tudor_dicom_toolkit:start>, which adds a "File -> Save as -> DICOM" option and can save a whole stack into a single DICOM file. This, however, won't work with floating point images. The problem I usually encounter with DICOM isn't one of image export, but that of filling in demographics and institutional data.
If you haven't managed to import your v2 sequence, use the "File->Import->Raw..." tool and answer (or guess!) the questions.
Neil Thomson,
Nuclear Medicine Physics Section,
Medical Physics,
Kent and Canterbury Hospital,
+44 (0) 1227 766877
From: ImageJ Interest Group [
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of skaylor [
[hidden email]]
Sent: 01 April 2011 19:03
[hidden email]
Subject: Convert .v2 image sequence to .dcm
After scanning ImageJ UI and plugins, I'm unable to figure out how to open a
".v2" file formatted image sequence and batch export them as ".dcm" file
Any suggestions?
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