Copy and paste from an Image5D overlay

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Copy and paste from an Image5D overlay

John Alexander-7
Hello group,

I use the Image5D format for viewing my confocal images.  I like to
generate reports or summaries of the experiments in Powerpoint.  To do
this, I often box a region and copy/paste each channel into Powerpoint.
 I can not, however, copy/paste from the overlay image that Image5D
generates.  When I try, I just get an image of one channel.  To get an
overlay of my selected channels, I have to duplicate the channels and
perform an RGB merge.  It would be much much easier if the copy/paste
function would work on the overlay which Image5D displays.

Is this possible or do I have to manually make the overlay myself each time?


John K. Alexander, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
William Green Laboratory
University of Chicago
Dept. Neurobiology, Pharmacology, and Physiology
947 East 58th Street
Abott Hall 402
Chicago, IL 60637
(off) 773-702-9386
(fax) 773-702-3774
[hidden email]
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Re: Copy and paste from an Image5D overlay

Wayne Rasband
> I use the Image5D format for viewing my confocal images.  I like to
> generate reports or summaries of the experiments in Powerpoint.  To do
> this, I often box a region and copy/paste each channel into Powerpoint.
>  I can not, however, copy/paste from the overlay image that Image5D
> generates.  When I try, I just get an image of one channel.  To get an
> overlay of my selected channels, I have to duplicate the channels and
> perform an RGB merge.  It would be much much easier if the copy/paste
> function would work on the overlay which Image5D displays.
> Is this possible or do I have to manually make the overlay myself each
> time?

The Edit>Copy to System command in ImageJ 1.41a correctly copies
composite color images (e.g., HeLa Cells and Organ of Corti in
File>Open Samples) to the system clipboard. You can convert an Image5D
to a composite image using the Image>Hyperstacks>Stack to Hyperstack
command. You can upgrade to v1.41a by using the
Plugins>Utilities>Update ImageJ command and selecting "daily build"
from the drop down menu.
