Dear Sir and Madam,
We are in need of software which technical requirements are outlined below. We also hoped that most of the software's functionality we need might have possibly been implemented in ImageJ. I have recently contacted few people on this mail list. Dr. Dimeter Prodanov has kindly reviewed our technical requirements and advised that, in his opinion, the only potential problem lies in establishing correlation between the same objects captured by three cameras (please see below). Please also see my comments on this matter. Dr. Michael Schmid kindly advised to post this message. Dr. Walter Odell kindly offered his comments. However, nobody of those few people I have contacted has agreed to help us with this development. In order to prevent duplication of efforts I will let you know if somebody will agree to help us. Moreover, it would be great if this software cold become of interest of more than one person. This project is a continuation of research conducted by Ottawa U group within a project: "Lake Sediment Structure and Evolution" This project has not been funded as of more than one year ago. However, some scientists believe that it makes sense to continue this research. If successful, the research being conducted could possibly be commercialized. Therefore, currently the research is not commercially paid for. Some participants of the research are personally contributing funds towards continuation of this development. If required, I will connect you to the professor leading this development. Talking about the application environment, the final application will focus on studying growth of fish in a semi-isolated area of a lake. As a preliminary step, at some point we will make images of fish in an aquarium. If you believe that you strongly need those images for your considerations please let us know (please note that we will have to remove fish from the aquarium to image the background and then place it back in order to make those images). I also would like to mention that this software could be very useful in many other applications. Should you or one of your colleagues are interested in helping us to develop this software on a freelance/contract basis please kindly provide me with the preliminary quotation (unless you are willing to help us on a voluntarily basis). I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Ema Proce. Software Technical Requirements: Introduction: You have three 2-d black&white images of a group of objects. The objects are of random dimensions and are randomly oriented in 3-d. The images have been taken simultaneously with three cameras producing the front, the side and the top views of this group of the objects. Software to be developed must do the following: a1. Take three base-line images (with three cameras) before objects are located in the field of view of the cameras (UI a pushbutton, also, alternatively, a DOS-based command example XXX.exe /abc). This requirement is optional (please see below) a2. Automatically store the mentioned above three base-line images on a computers hard drive. This requirement is optional (please see below) a3. Retrieve stored images and Apply image masking technique pixel-by-pixel to remove artifacts from the basic images and memorize the gray-level of every pixel for these three basic images by creating three mask-images a4. Store these three mask-images a5. Then, after user places a group of objects such that those object appear in the field of view of the mentioned above three cameras, the user clicks another button (also, alternatively, after user enter a DOS-based command) such that: a5.1 Software takes simultaneously three images of these objects (optionally, software will retrieved these images from a known directory if the images have been made and stored by another software, for example, a standard software which comes with cameras), then applies mask images respectively to subtract artifacts, and then applies threshold such that there is a certain amount of noise left. Noise is calculated as the number of single-pixel events left on the image (Through UI User defines that after the mask images are applied and the threshold is applied to all three derived images, the counted number of single-pixels objects on each of three resulting images image must be less than, let say, 1000 per frame) a5.2 Software automatically establishes relationships between those three images such as the object number 1 on the front-view image would be correlated to the same object on the side view and the top view images respectively. Then software calculates width, height, and depth of the object, and then multiplying those pixels counts to produce volumes of every of these object. Note that we need three cameras only because we might have a situation when one object is located, let say, besides another object and the objects are of different sizes, and yet a smaller object could be in a shadow of a larger object. If we had only two cameras (although every camera produces a 2d image), we could miscalculate the objects volumes. Note that software must properly handle different situations which might occur with objects orientation and possible overlapping. a6. Measured volumes of objects have to be presented in the UI as a table such that user can define the ranges of object volumes (let say, 0 to 5 cm^3, 5.1 to 7 cm^3, etc), and the number of objects counted within the certain range should fell into the table. In order to do that the UI must provide user a text box to enter the pixel size. For example, a user might need to define that one pixel corresponds 2.5 mm width and 3 mm height of an actual object, based on the optics attached to digital cameras. a.7 Also, the software must create an excel file with the record of width, height, depth, and the volumes of each objects. Software must also generate a text file with indication of date and time of all measurements and the related files locations on the PC. a8. Finally, UI must allow user to repeat the entire process of making pictures of the objects using the same basic images and mask-images, and then conducting the mentioned above calculations, as well as an option of resetting the software such that basic images are re-taken and the new mask images are created. User must also have an option of deleting all old files. Talking about the application environment, the final application will focus on studying growth of fish in a semi-isolated area of a lake. As a preliminary step, at some point we will make images of fish in an aquarium. If you believe that you strongly need those images for your considerations please let us know (please note that we will have to remove fish from the aquarium to image the background and then place it back in order to make those images). Discussion on establishing correlation between the same objects captured by three cameras: An example of the challenges related to this development. It's just an example but a good one: Let's assume that you have several objects which are swimming your aquarium: let say, one small fish, 3 medium-size fishes, and 4 large fishes. You have three cameras to capture the front view, the side view, and the top view of the aquarium. Our goal is to calculate volumes of all these objects. Below I would like to share with you ideas of our group on this matter: 1. To start with, we can use three cameras and their software and hardware to capture B&W and (optionally) RGB images simultaneously taken by these three cameras. The images will be stored in the specific folder. The image format will be 8 (to start with), and also 12 and 16 bit TIFF. The software to be developed will be running on WinXP platform (+Java, when required). Therefore we will not need to analyze images in real time while objects move. 2. On establishing the correlation between the same objects captured by three cameras, we have been thinking about possible complications. We think it will not be a problem for the following reasons: a. All three cameras are permanently mounted at 90 degree angle (front view camera F, side view camera S and top view camera T). b. We can have many objects captured at the same time. In order to clarify three cameras matter let's assume, to begin with, that we have just one object captured. Lets also assume a simple scenario where the object is just a rectangular parallelepiped. The captured object has width X, height Y, and depth Z. c. Lets assume that the front surface of this object is located parallel to the front view camera. d. Front view camera F captures the object such that horizontal x and vertical y coordinates of the image taken by camera F allows to calculate X and Y of the object: F(x2 - x1) = X; F(y2 -y1) = Y e. The image of the same object taken by the camera S will produce the following equations: S(x2 - x1) = Z; S(y2 - y1) = Y. f. The image of the same object taken by the camera T will produce the following equations: T(x2 - x1) = X; T(y2 - y1) = Z. g. Also, our object may, for example, appear in the middle of the camera F, but (let say) near the right side of the image taken by camera S. Therefore, generically saying: Tx1 is not equal to Fx1; Ty1 is not equal to Sx1; Fy1 is not equal to Sy1; Tx2 is not equal to Fx2; Ty2 is not equal to Sx2; Fy2 is not equal to Sy2; This problem can be easily solved if you place one time a phantom with known dimensions, make three images: F, S, and T, and then calculate permanent shift of horizontal and vertical coordinates: a, b, and c between three cameras: a = Tx1 - Fx1; b = Ty1 - Sx1; c = Fy1 - Sy1; h. After you place the phantom you can one time manually identify pixels numbers for S, T, and F images for the same object and via UI in the software we are trying to develop use can enter constants a, b, and c. i. Also, because three cameras do not have identical magnification, before you proceed as below, after images with phantom are taken, you can manually (just one time) calculate magnification/demagnification constants for two of three images. Let say, you started form camera F. You made an image F and then measured width of the phantom in pixels on the image of the object and you also measured the object itself with a caliber. Then you take images S and T and manually define magnification/demagnification coefficients Sk and Tk. Then you manually enter Sk and Tk into the software. Then before proceeding as below, you automatically magnify (demagnify) images S and T. j. Now the process of correlating the same object between three images becomes easy: J1. You make three images: F, S, and T J2. You subtract background images Fb, Tb, and Sb taking ahead of time with no object inserted. Then you apply threshold in order to being able to identify our object on all three images. Note: in order to normalize threshold for all three images you can, for example, first adjust for different illumination by comparing pixels grey-level of all three images, and then calculate noises by counting number of single pixel on all three images such after you apply threshold the noises on all three images will become the same. J3. Now you scan all three images pixel-by-pixel and line-by line in order to identify the object, such that as soon as you find, let say, Tx1 you can immediately identify Fx1; as soon as you identify Ty1 you can identify Sx1, and then you scan, let say side view image S and identify Sy1 (because you already know Sx1) and then you can easily identify Fy1. This way you can correlate the same object on all three images. Finally, optimization of volume V of the object becomes also easy. Ideally, V = F(x2 - x1) * F(y2 - y1)*S(x2-x1) = F(x2 - x1) * S(y2 - y1)*S(x2-x1) = T(x2 - x1) * F(y2 - y1)*S(x2-x1), etc. You have 8 possible combinations of calculating volume of the same object obtained from three cameras. In real environment, because t object may be tilted towards all three cameras, the estimated volume could be chosen, for example, as the smallest result obtained within those 8 possible combinations. Better result of calculation the volume gives minimum of three combinations of calculating the number of pixels corresponding the same object taking by one camera and then multiplying by the max (or average) of the third coordinate. For example, camera F captured the object. Number of pixels corresponding the object captured by F represents the area of the object in the field (Fx * Fy). Then if you multiply this number of pixel to MAX((S(x2 - x1)) you will calculate V of the object under the assumption that the object has the same depth Sx in all different locations of the object. Ideally, we also have to handle situations when because you have several objects captured at the same time (in real environment), some of them may be partially or completely overlapped. We are also very limited in the size, shape and configuration of the 3 objects for which a solution exists. For example, we could never deduce the object as being a cup from an object that is a solid cylinder -- we could never detect a concavity. However, in our application the above limitations are acceptable. It is sufficient to measure volume of objects just based on their projections to three cameras. *** I would also like to address financial matters. Notwithstanding financial situation of our group, we understand that your help and/or help of your colleagues needs to be financially compensated, unless you find it possible to help us on a voluntarily basis. At the same time, we have to be sure that we can afford paying for your work. Therefore, before you spend your time on helping us with software development, could you please let me know your financial requirements, if any? In the end of this message I would like to thank you all for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Ema Proce. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around |
Ema --
Identifying fish and estimating their volumes seems to be more a AI (Artificial Intelligence) problem then IA (Image Analysis) problem. I think, the problem can be formalized as follows: you have a 3-D density distribution and you have three 2-D projections of this 3-D volume distribution. You want to recreate the 3-D density from the three 2-D projections. The problem is not solvable in such general case. The problem is not solvable even if you had marginal 2-D distributions which carry more information than projections (I define here that marginal distribution gives you a cumulative/integrated density along a projection path while projection simply gives yes/no if there is a non-zero density along a projection path). The example you give uses very strong assumptions: 1) the shape of objects (rectangular parallelepiped); 2) the number of objects (1); Firstly, even if the object looks square on projections that does not mean it's a cube. The three projection images you have simply cannot tell you the shape. In fact, you know that your fish are not rectangular parallelepipeds which are defined by 3 numbers. You will have to assume the shape of the objects and then calculate their volumes based on 1, 2, or 3 measurements for each object (say max length in each dimension). You may be able to assume the shapes based, say, on the species of fish which will have to be determined from the images. This may be a very complicated problem in itself. Secondly, the number of objects cannot be generally determined from three projections you have. Consider 8 objects (same shape) placed at the vertices of a cube whose sides a parallel to the projection axis. You can take out any one or any two diagonally opposite objects and your projections will not show the difference. You will have to estimate the number of objects on the images from some other information or assume that there is no triple-overlap, i.e. that an object does not overlap with others on all three projections. (I am not sure about the double-overlap -- it may be solvable but may be very tough). Assumption of small number of objects (<?) may also help. So, the bottom line is: you can reconstruct a 3-D picture only if you have an MRI of a volume, projections won't do. To estimate the number of objects you will have to make assumptions that may or may not hold true. To estimate the volume of each object you will have to assume its shape and you may not have sufficient information to do that. So, the problem may be solvable in specific instances (which, fortunately, you may just pick from the total set you have), but not in general. Good luck! Mikhail. |
To clarify --
> So, the bottom line is: you can reconstruct a 3-D picture only if you have > an MRI of a volume, projections won't do. I meant the just the three projections you have But, thinking further, may be you can do something like a tomography imaging by using multiple cameras arranged in a circle looking inwards. Essentially taking pictures of a cylindrical piece of volume from all around the curved side. Taking multiple (> 3) projections will give you better chances at resolving the number of objects and their shapes. Tomographic methods are well developed. You have a much better chances here. Mikhail. |
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