Counting Aggregates within a cell

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Counting Aggregates within a cell


I am currently trying to count distinct aggregates within a cell, using confocal fluorescent images in FIJI. I'm trying to use the 3D object counter plugin, but it doesn't seem to be counting my aggregates as distinct objects as they are too close together. How would I go about automating the counting of these clustered aggregates?

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Re: Counting Aggregates within a cell

Aryeh Weiss
On 12/04/2017 0:08, aldendsouza wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently trying to count distinct aggregates within a cell, using
> confocal fluorescent images in FIJI. I'm trying to use the 3D object counter
> plugin, but it doesn't seem to be counting my aggregates as distinct objects
> as they are too close together. How would I go about automating the counting
> of these clustered aggregates?

Without images it is hard to help, but if you only need a count, you can try
Process>Find Maxima...
You can have it produce a point selection, and you will have the number
of peaks that it found.


> Thanks
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Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
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