Dear ImageJ list,
I want to count the number of retrogradely (using fluorescent rhodamine-dextran amine) labeled mouse embryonic nerve cells in a specific brainstem nuclei. From estimates we think its somewhere around 1000 cells in this group. We have transversally sectioned the labeled cell-group in 50 micron thick slices (cryostat) and stained the slice with a nuclear counterstain (Hoechst). Then, on a Zeiss 510 Meta confocal microscope I made a Z-stack of each section with a 40x 1.3 numerical aperture objective with 1 micron thick optical slices (a total of about 20 slices for each stack due to some shrinking and optical phenomena). I then use the “RG2B Colocalization” plugin to extract only the retrograde labeling signal that also overlaps with hoeckst, such that I get only the nuclei of the rhodamine stained cells (using the macro below to speed up the process). I use the “average of the red and green” option in the RG2B Colocalization plugin as an output for the colocalization result. The resulting image-stack seems to be of usable quality to use for counting cells. You may download the original confocal image and the RG2B colocalization result (using 50 as hoeckst threshold and 30 as retrograde labeling threshold) result from here (, 70 MB): However, there are some issues that I would love input and help on: 1) How do I best count the cells from the resulting stack? I’ve experimented with the “3D viewer” plugin for ImageJ, and it seems to be useful. Especially if I increase the voxel-depth (Ctrl+Shift+P) before starting the 3D-viewer. However, when cell densities are particularly high (as in my sample image), it is difficult to get a good view of the 3D-model. Are there any other free 3D-view programs that would do a better job? The wiremesh also seem to change appearance when I rotate the model and won’t return to original. 2) I would like to split the 3D-model into several smaller models to facilitate counting. For example, I would draw a line in 2D mode across the middle of the image, carefully avoiding any cells, and to the same for every Z-stack. Then I would like some program or plugin to split the image across the line in every stack such that no cell should be split in half. Unfortunately I don’t think my scripting abilities are up to this task. Anyone can give me some good pointer for this? 3) When counting the cells in a 3D model it would be useful to have the possibility to mark some cells/areas with a color to indicate that it’s been counted. Are there any good programs/plugins for this? 4) I also consider the option to count the cells in the 2D-view as a stack. I would mark the cells that I’ve counted in every stack using the paintbrush tool. However, this is very time consuming compared to counting from a 3D-model. What do you guys think about this method? 5) Would it be a good idea to have some kind of “object-shrinking”-method, to reduce the size of the nuclei? I can’t seem to find a good plugin for this. 6) I’ve only added a “Remove outliers” step as filters. Any other good methods? run("Remove Outliers...", "radius=5 threshold=50 which=Bright stack"); 7) FYI I plan on counting all cells, then subtracting the number of cells that touches the first Z-stack. This will statistically give the correct result (same way as you would count with a hemocytometer). The reason I want to do this in as large as a 50 micron section is to avoid bias introduced by "cutting" cells in half like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Best regards Anders //OPEN FILE TO START ANALYZE AND GET FILE INFO filepath = File.openDialog("Select a file to start to analyze"); open(filepath); dir1 =; Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); filename = getTitle(); dotIndex = indexOf(filename, "."); title = substring(filename, 0, dotIndex); open(filepath); //MANUALLY SET THRESHOLDS FOR LATER USE IN RG2B PLUGIN. JUST WRITE THE CHOSEN VALUE IN THE TEXT-BOX AND CLICK OK TO CONVERT TO MASK run("8-bit"); run("Split Channels"); selectWindow("C1-" + title + "-1.lsm"); Stack.setSlice(slices/2); run("Threshold..."); waitForUser("Confirm that channel#1 threshold is set appropriate, or set new in the following dialog"); Dialog.create("Ch1"); Dialog.addNumber("Threshold:", 40);; x = Dialog.getNumber(); setAutoThreshold("Default dark stack"); setThreshold(x, 255); run("Convert to Mask"); selectWindow("C2-" + title + "-1.lsm"); Stack.setSlice(slices/2); run("Threshold..."); waitForUser("Confirm that channel#2 threshold is set appropriate, or set new in the following dialog"); Dialog.create("Ch2"); Dialog.addNumber("Threshold:", 40);; y = Dialog.getNumber(); setAutoThreshold("Default dark stack"); setThreshold(y, 255); run("Convert to Mask"); selectWindow("Threshold"); run("Close"); //CLOSING MASK-WINDOWS c1 = "C1-" + title + "-1.lsm" c2 = "C2-" + title + "-1.lsm" selectWindow(c1); rename("hoechst"); run("Close"); selectWindow(c2); rename("dextran"); run("Close"); //OPENING ORIGINAL FILE AGAIN AND RENAME CHANNELS open(filepath); run("Split Channels"); c1 = "C1-" + title + "-1.lsm" c2 = "C2-" + title + "-1.lsm" selectWindow(c1); rename("hoechst"); selectWindow(c2); rename("dextran"); //RUNNING RG2B COLOCALIZATION WITH CHOSEN THRESHOLDS (Dextran vs Hoe) run("Merge Channels...", "c1=[dextran] c2=[hoechst] c3=*None* c4=*None* c5=*None* c6=*None* create keep ignore"); run("Stack to RGB", "slices"); run("RG2B Colocalization", "minimum=0 red=x green=y set=[the average of the red and green] display=[as an RGB image]"); //CLOSING UNWANTED WINDOWS selectWindow("RG2B Colocalization - Composite"); close(); selectWindow(filename); run("Close"); selectWindow("hoechst"); run("Close"); selectWindow("dextran"); run("Close"); //CHANGING Z-PIXEL DEPTH TO EASY VIEW IN 3D-VIEWER selectWindow("Colocalization Data - Composite"); run("Remove Outliers...", "radius=5 threshold=50 which=Bright stack"); Stack.getDimensions(width, height, channels, slices, frames); run("Properties...", "channels=1 slices=slices frames=1 unit=pixel pixel_width=10 pixel_height=10 voxel_depth=30"); -- ImageJ mailing list: |
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