While trying to run on my mac a script written on a unix machine, I realised that the Create Selection command applied to a thresholded image was extremely slow. I tried to benchmark it with the code below, unfortunately it looks like the delay is due to refreshing the gui since the time reported is similar on both machine (≈70ms, even with an intermediate updateDisplay()).
Is it possible that displaying a complex selection on a mac is terribly slow (for my images of interest, 7-10s for a 300x400 image with 50% randomly added to the selection)?
Or can it be a problem with Create Selection itself?
> newImage("Untitled", "32-bit black", 400, 300, 1);
> run("Add Noise");
> setAutoThreshold("Default dark");
> t_start = getTime();
> run("Create Selection");
> // updateDisplay()
> dt = getTime() - t_start;
> print(dt);
Using IJ 2.0.0-rc-34/1.50a with Java 1.7.0_79.
Thank you in advance for you help. Best regards,
Thomas Julou | Computational & Systems Biology | Biozentrum – University of Basel | Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 CH-4056 Basel | +41 (0)61 267 16 21
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