DICOM conversion question

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DICOM conversion question

Jason NoSpam
Could someone recommend a tool (specifically an API/component) that can convert DICOM to JPEG 8,12 and 16bit images?  I found only one from LeadTools but they are rather expensive for even this limited functionality.


p.s.   I wish ImageJ had Jpeg 2000 support as that would make it easier... :)
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Re: DICOM conversion question

Hi Jason,

Our Bio-Formats library (http://www.loci.wisc.edu/ome/formats.html) has
limited DICOM support. You can check out the latest developer version from
our Subversion repository by following the instructions online at
http://www.loci.wisc.edu/software. Take a look at
java/loci/formats/in/DicomReader.java and
java/loci/formats/out/JPEGWriter.java, and definitely feel free to ask if
you have any questions.


On 8/11/06, Jason NoSpam <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Could someone recommend a tool (specifically an API/component) that can
> convert DICOM to JPEG 8,12 and 16bit images?  I found only one from
> LeadTools but they are rather expensive for even this limited functionality.
> Thanks!
> Jason
> p.s.   I wish ImageJ had Jpeg 2000 support as that would make it easier...
> :)
> ---------------------------------
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Re: DICOM conversion question

Greg Brown-6
The website www.idoimaging. is also a great place to trawl for this
sort of batch conversion software.
Any number of programmes ( including ImageJ) let you save
DICOM images as other formats manually.

Hope it helps

Greg Brown  SMRT
Senior Radiographer - MRI Research and Development
Radiology, Royal Adelaide Hospital
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[hidden email]   Adelaide MRI Website www.users.on.net/vision  
Ph +61 8 82224700  FAX +61 8 82225930  Mobile 0401 123 763

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