DICOM-stack with low quality

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DICOM-stack with low quality

Hi everybody,

I need help to create a stack of DICOM-Files. As far as I open a single DICOM-File, I get an excellent quality image (16 bit displayrange -900 - 2300) and I am able to use window and level settings as it should be for medical images. Now I am using the following code:
// this is a good quality picture

// now creating stack
imageStack = dicomFile.createEmptyStack();

// add Image to stack
ImagePlus myImgPlus = new ImagePlus(studyUID,imageStack);

// this is a low quality image (why?)

When I have created a stack as shown in the code above, the dicom-images have a low quality (e.g. displayrange 124-3324). What is the problem? Please help me?

Thanks in advance and kind regards