Dangerous global scaling

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Dangerous global scaling

I have some suggestions about the global flag in the Set Scale dialog.

Currently, setting the "global" flag not only re-scales (in pixels  
per unit) all images that are open,  but also those that will be  
opened in future. For example, if I send a scaled TIFF image to some  
else who's global flag is on, it will be silently re-scaled.
There is also the danger that the scaling of a whole series of TIFF  
images may silently
be spoilt after batch processing, if someone has earlier activated  
the global flag.

The "scale global" flag remains active until you reset it or re-
launch ImageJ.

Another item is the behaviour of the "changed" status and the  
"Revert" command:
- Changing the scale does not mark the image as "changed".
- Changing the scale of an existing TIFF image, and then choosing  
menu  "File>Revert"
   does not restore the old scale (independent of the global flag).

I liked the way NIH Image handled this:
There was a "Propagate" command, where you could propagate scale and  
to all open images. It had no future effect, and it was easy to  
Some derivatives also could propagate the Roi.

Norbert Vischer <[hidden email]>
Research engineer Centre for Advanced Microscopy
Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS)
Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 316,
NL - 1098 SM Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Tel: +31 20 525 6267   (fax 6271)
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line detection

M. Nur Heriawan
Dear list,

I am working with CT images of coal samples. I would
like to detect (or extract) the distribution of
natural fracture (consider as a line) in this image.
May someone gives me a hint how to do it using ImageJ.

A lot of thanks for helping.

Best regards,

M. Nur Heriawan
Lab. of Applied Geosciences & Tech.  
Kumamoto Univ., Japan

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