Hi Chris
Initial estimate is just the starting point. The active (focused) image in
the ImageJ workspace is used for the input image.
I've used the plugin quite a bit and have never found a way to explicitly
set the input image. I always have to be careful that the image I want to
be deconvolved is focused before starting the deconvolution. That is I
have to click on the desired image to focus it, then go back to
deconvolution lab and start it right away (before another image gets
accidently focused).
Take a look at the log as the deconvolution is starting. It will say
"Loading Input Image:" and tell you what the input image is.
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 10:33 AM, chris07 <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a deconvolution newbie and am trying to get DeconvolutionLab to run
> (Win 7 64 bit). I have my image stack (60 slices) and a generated PSF open
> (generated with ImageJ plugin, same size as my stack and 60 or 120 slices).
> Also I am flipping PSF quadrants thanks to another suggestion on the forum.
> However, the plugin only deconvolves the PSF, not the other image stack
> that
> I have selected under "initial estimate". I am mostly using the
> Richardson-Lucy algorithm, but the others have had this problem, too.
> A bit frustrating at the moment, perhaps I am overlooking something basic.
> Any comments are appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Chris
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http://imagej.1557.x6.nabble.com/DeconvolutionLab-opens-wrong-images-tp5005889.html> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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