Define ROIs in 2-channels automatically

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Define ROIs in 2-channels automatically

CB Mahoney
I have a dual labeled brain section image (2-channel .lsm file). One channel has "green" cells, the other "red" cells. Some of the red and green cells overlap, some don't overlap. I would like to automatically define an ROI list for all the green and red cells, avoiding any double counted cells.
So far I process this manually: I am currently drawing circles around each cell which is time consuming. I have attempted using the 'find edges', I have tried the 'watershed' and also the 'edge ratio' (subtracting min from max). None of the existing plug-ins apply to my specific need.

I would like to have a macro that finds the edge of the cell and saves the x.y.z. coordinates in an ROI list. I'm interested in the ROI list for further area, colocalization and intensity quantification.
Any constructive suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you and have a nice weekend

Carrie E. Mahoney

Neuroscience and Behavior Program
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
