Density calibration is lost when duplicating images

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Density calibration is lost when duplicating images

Stein Rørvik
Here is a bug that has appeared recently:

When duplicating a 8-bit or 16-bit density calibrated image, the density calibration is lost.
The spatial calibration is not lost.
This also happens when duplicating slices from stacks.
The bug has been present since 1.52d. It was not present in 1.52c.

Here is a test macro reproducing the problem:

run("Clear Results");
run("CT (420K, 16-bit DICOM)");              //this image is both spatially and density calibrated
run("Set Measurements...", "area mean standard modal min display redirect=None decimal=4");
run("Measure");         //results are ok
run("Duplicate...", " ");
run("Measure");         //results are no longer density calibrated; the spatial calibration is still ok

Look at the Mean value, the correct value should be negative for this image.


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Re: Density calibration is lost when duplicating images

Wayne Rasband-2
> On Jul 4, 2018, at 6:26 AM, Stein Rørvik <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Here is a bug that has appeared recently:
> When duplicating a 8-bit or 16-bit density calibrated image, the density calibration is lost.
> The spatial calibration is not lost.
> This also happens when duplicating slices from stacks.
> The bug has been present since 1.52d. It was not present in 1.52c.

This 1.52d regression is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.52e29).


> Here is a test macro reproducing the problem:
> run("Clear Results");
> run("CT (420K, 16-bit DICOM)");              //this image is both spatially and density calibrated
> run("Set Measurements...", "area mean standard modal min display redirect=None decimal=4");
> run("Measure");         //results are ok
> run("Duplicate...", " ");
> run("Measure");         //results are no longer density calibrated; the spatial calibration is still ok
> selectWindow("Results");
> Look at the Mean value, the correct value should be negative for this image.
> Stein

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Re: Density calibration is lost when duplicating images

Stein Rørvik
Thank you for the quick fix,

this works fine; as well as the fixed NaN Background with stacks problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Wayne Rasband
Sent: 04. juli 2018 23:56
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Density calibration is lost when duplicating images

> On Jul 4, 2018, at 6:26 AM, Stein Rørvik <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Here is a bug that has appeared recently:
> When duplicating a 8-bit or 16-bit density calibrated image, the density calibration is lost.
> The spatial calibration is not lost.
> This also happens when duplicating slices from stacks.
> The bug has been present since 1.52d. It was not present in 1.52c.

This 1.52d regression is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.52e29).


> Here is a test macro reproducing the problem:
> run("Clear Results");
> run("CT (420K, 16-bit DICOM)");              //this image is both spatially and density calibrated
> run("Set Measurements...", "area mean standard modal min display redirect=None decimal=4");
> run("Measure");         //results are ok
> run("Duplicate...", " ");
> run("Measure");         //results are no longer density calibrated; the spatial calibration is still ok
> selectWindow("Results");
> Look at the Mean value, the correct value should be negative for this image.
> Stein

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