Dialog.addSliderGroup within macro functions

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Dialog.addSliderGroup within macro functions

CARL Philippe (LBP)
Dear all,

Would it be difficult (= possible) to implement a kind of
"Dialog.addSliderGroup" method within the ImageJ macro functions which would
be linked through their minima and maxima functions similarly to what can be
found within the "Image->Adjust->Brightness/ContrastÂ…" tool?

Of course such function could be implemented through a plugin using events
listeners, but would it be conceptually as well implemented through a macro?

I thank you very much for your lightning.

My best regards,



Philippe CARL

Laboratoire de Biophotonique et Pharmacologie

UMR 7213 CNRS - Université de Strasbourg

Faculté de Pharmacie

74 route du Rhin


Tel : +33(0)3 68 85 41 84

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