please have a look at the "Built-in Macro Functions"-manual that is
available via:
Here are the two dialogs that may help:
Adds a "Help" button that opens the specified URL in the default
browser. This can be used to supply a help page for this dialog or
macro. With v1.46b or later, displays an HTML formatted message if 'url'
starts with "<html>" (example).
showMessage("title", "message")
Displays "message" in a dialog box using "title" as the the dialog box
title. Can display HTML formatted text (example).
Am 04.02.16 um 21:06 schrieb Feriel P:
> Hi everybody,
> I did a quick search on the forums but couldn't quite figure it out. Does
> anyone have a simple macro command to bold, underline, or italicize the
> text and field labels in dialog boxes? Can the fonts be changed? This would
> help greatly in creating macros for users unfamiliar with ImageJ, where
> bolding/underlining instructions in dialog boxes would reduce errors
> by emphasizing their importance. Any suggestions/workarounds would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> -Feriel
> --
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