Thanks! That did it. I'm curious though. Are images from 8-bit gif files
stored internall as something beside ByteProcessor's.
David Webster
On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Karsten Rodenacker <
[hidden email]>wrote:
> gif images are indexed images. The pixel value is translated via a lookup
> table. You should change the image->type to 8-bit or RGB and use than
> Image->Adjust->Brightness/Contrast for changes.
> Regards
> Karsten
> Am 09.10.2009 um 21:06 schrieb David William Webster:
> All,
>> I am having a funny problem(?) with some 8-bit imagery whereby bright
>> pixels get rolled over and displayed as near black or dark. This seems to
>> happen when I add a value to the pixels to shift their dynamic range. For
>> example, with the TTTREES2.gif image on the website included below, if I
>> add 100 to each pixel (using Process/Math/Add ...) in an image to bring
>> the dynamic range from say 0-133 to 100-233, large sections of higher
>> values show up as dark, not bright. This doesn't seem to happen with other
>> images. Can someone tell me what's up?
>> David Webster
>>>> You can save this page as html and get the gifs in a folder.
> Karsten
[hidden email]