Displaying the image being modified to allow a manual selection of a region of interest

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Displaying the image being modified to allow a manual selection of a region of interest

Andy - Paris
   Thanks to everyone for help in the past. At the minute I am trying to get a macro to stop at a certain point during the analysis of each image and present the modified and thresholded image to me so that I can select a certain part of the image by drawing around it.

At the moment I am blocked because when i use commands like open() or selectWindow() then the image is not displayed. I guess it is just opened into memory to allow imageJ to manipulate it but without showing the image to the user.

After I am using waitForUser("Draw around object\ncheck the circle is complete,\nthen click OK.");

ImagaJ is opening the window asking me to draw around the object but there is no image open to draw around.

The section of macro I'm talking about is:



setThreshold(10, 255);


waitForUser("Draw around object\ncheck the circle is complete,\nthen click OK.");

run("Set Measurements...", "area mean min integrated redirect=None decimal=0");


Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: Displaying the image being modified to allow a manual selection of a region of interest

Andy - Paris
It's ok I worked it out. I was in batch mode...