Distributing downloads of ImageJ with specific plugins/macros

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Distributing downloads of ImageJ with specific plugins/macros

Sean Burke
Hello Everyone,
    I was hoping someone could give me some more information, or point me to resources, regarding distributing downloads of ImageJ that include specific macros or plugins that we have developed (for free of course). Are there any rules or regulations in this regard?

Sean Burke

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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Re: Distributing downloads of ImageJ with specific plugins/macros

Rainer M. Engel
Am 07.08.2013 18:51, schrieb Sean Burke:

> Hello Everyone,
>     I was hoping someone could give me some more information, or point me to resources, regarding distributing downloads of ImageJ that include specific macros or plugins that we have developed (for free of course). Are there any rules or regulations in this regard?
> Sincerely,
> Sean Burke
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

Hey Sean,

maybe you get in touch with the Fiji-Developers on the list (i.e.
Johannes, Curtis).

Otherwise might these pages help....

This is about updating FIJI:

"How to set up and populate an update site":

Best regards,

Rainer M. Engel, Dipl. Digital Artist
scientific|Media GbR
Pichelsdorfer Str. 143
13595 Berlin

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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Re: Distributing downloads of ImageJ with specific plugins/macros

In reply to this post by Sean Burke
Hi Sean,

On Wed, 7 Aug 2013, Sean Burke wrote:

>     I was hoping someone could give me some more information, or point
>     me to resources, regarding distributing downloads of ImageJ that
>     include specific macros or plugins that we have developed (for free
>     of course). Are there any rules or regulations in this regard?

In general, all of the macros or plugins have specific licenses which you
need to obey (although some have argued that macros and plugins offered
without an explicit license are basically public domain, I make a point of
asking the authors for clarification on the terms).

For example, there are a couple of plugins out there which some people
would call Open Source (because you can inspect their source), but others
would disagree because the license denies the right to distribute modified
revisions, and some licenses even deny redistribution altogether. While I
disagree that this fashion is very scientific (it would be like allowing
readers of a paper to understand, say, a clearing protocol, but not to
use, let alone enhance it!), I will be the first to acknowledge that
everybody has the right to license their work any way they like -- no
matter how large the obligation to serve the public who financed the
research, after all.

From a technical point of view, I recommend Fiji's Package Maker to make a
.zip from your current Fiji -- after installing the additional macros
and/or plugins into the macros/ or plugins/ subdirectory.

You could even set up your personal update site to keep users'
installations up-to-date. There is partial documentation for that on
http://fiji.sc/Adding_Update_Sites, soon to be enhanced to include
information specific to the personal update sites.


ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html