Duplicating FFT Images

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Duplicating FFT Images

Maja Temerinac
Hi guys!

It is again me, this time in English. So, I am still trying to create a new
FFT Image in which I can manipulate the pixels in the frequency domain and
then to transform the image back into the spatial domain.

This is a macro of the commands I performed with ImageJ 1.36b

open("E:\\Maja\\Eigene Bilder\\lena.gif");
makeOval(197, 202, 121, 118);
run("Duplicate...", "title=[FHT of lena.gif]");
run("Inverse FFT");

I still get the error message:

Frequency domain image required.

Could anyone send me his macro for manipulating the FFT, duplicating the
FFT or FHT and then doing the inverse FFT?

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Re: Duplicating FFT Images

Gabriel Landini
On Friday 15 December 2006 10:28, Maja Temerinac wrote:
> open("E:\\Maja\\Eigene Bilder\\lena.gif");
> run("FFT");
> makeOval(197, 202, 121, 118);
> run("Fill");
> run("Duplicate...", "title=[FHT of lena.gif]");
> run("Inverse FFT");

This does what you want, I think.

open("E:\\Maja\\Eigene Bilder\\lena.gif");
makeOval(197, 202, 121, 118);
run("Inverse FFT");

I think that if you duplicate the FFT result image, that is considered a plain
image, not a result of the FFT.

So you need to manipulate the result of the FFT, not a duplicate of it.

