Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the EMBL Master Course for Bioimage Data
Analysis to be held from Sunday, 7 June - Saturday ,13 June 2015. The
deadline for registration is April 16, 2015.
This course will focus on computational methods for analysing images of
proteins, cells and tissues, to boost the learning process of participants
who have an immediate need to analyze images in their own research. For
this, the course extends from basic foundations of image processing and
programming to the actual implementation of workflows using scripting in ImageJ
macro and Matlab languages. We aim to gather expert knowledge to organize a
world-leading course for image analysis in the fields of cell &
developmental biology, biochemistry and biophysics. A report written by a
student last year
could give you some idea about the course.
The course will take place in Heidelberg, Germany at the EMBL Advanced
Training Centre. Registration and motivation letter deadline is April 16,
2015. Please visit our course website for more details: are welcome to circulate this announcement to interested members and
groups within your institution.
We look forward to welcoming you to Heidelberg, Germany.
Scientific Organisers,
Kota Miura, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, NINS-NIBB Japan
Sébastien Tosi, Institute for Research in Biomedicine - IRB Barcelona, Spain
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux, Institut Curie, France
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Carolina Garcia Sabate
Conference Officer
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
[hidden email]
Dr. Kota Miura <
[hidden email]>
Senior Image Analyst / NINS Research Administrator
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstr. 1, 69117 Heidelberg, GERMANY
Tel +49 6221 387 8404
Mobile +49 160 95001177
Dr. Kota Miura <
[hidden email]>
Project Associate Professor
National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), Japan
Bonn Office: Ahrstr. 58, 53175 Bonn, Germany
Tel: +4916095001177
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