EMBO practical course on 3D developmental imaging in Portugal, July! (reg. deadline approaching)

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EMBO practical course on 3D developmental imaging in Portugal, July! (reg. deadline approaching)

Gaby G Martins

Dear colleagues,

We would like to call your attention to the 6th edition of the EMBO practical course on 3D Developmental Imaging and ask for your help reaching all potential students. Registrations are now open and have been extended to April 11th!

This 9-day practical course is great for young researchers working in developmental biology (grad students & post-docs or young PIs), who need to image in vivo morphogenetic processes (animals & plants). Applicants are required to submit a mini-project to carry out during the course, and are encouraged to bring their own samples; we provide a full wetlab with conditions to maintain YOUR embryos! Students can expect to learn how to image their embryos with confocal, two-photon, light-sheet and optical tomography (expected >10 different systems available! lectures also on x-ray micro-tomography and 3D EM), and also 3D image analysis & publication with free (ImageJ, Drishti and others) and commercial software (eg Huygens and Imaris).

The course has several excellent guest speakers and commercial partners, and is hosted by the Advanced Imaging facility at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencias in Oeiras, Portugal. It is a very intense, but also informal course where everyone is encouraged to work long hours, get own results, exchange knowledge, tips, tricks and know about best practices in 3D imaging.

We are looking for 16 highly motivated students to take advantage of this unique opportunity. The registration fee INCLUDES meals, course materials, hotel and local transport, all made possible by generous sponsorship from EMBO, the Gulbenkian Institute and our commercial partners. EMBO provides in addition a limited number of travel grants for candidates from Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey and Chile, India, Singapore and Taiwan.

for more information follow the link: http://meetings.embo.org/event/18-developmental-imaging

on behalf of the organizers,

Gaby G Martins
Head of UIC: Advanced Imaging Facility,
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia - Portugal

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