Dear All,
In August 18-28th 2014 we will organise an EMBO practical course on light sheet microscopy in Dresden Germany.
For more information (including program and speaker/instructor line-up), please check the course web site. microscopy is an emerging technology that enables imaging of biological specimens with minimal photo-damage. It opens new avenues to study cell biological and developmental processes with unprecedented imaging speed. This EMBO Practical Course will comprehensively introduce the light sheet microscopy paradigm to the new generation of scientists.
Since light sheet microscopy poses new challenges in biological image analysis, we strongly encourage biologists with computer science skills and computer scientists with interest in biology to apply. During the course we will build and use several flavours of light sheet microscopy like OpenSPIM, the available commercial set-ups and the cutting edge development set-ups on optical tables. We expect to generate lots of data that will be processed during the course using powerful HPC resources.
The application deadline is April 15th 2014.
We are looking forward to exciting applications from the ImageJ community.
All the best
PAvel on behalf of organisers (Jan Peychl, Jan Huisken, Lars Hufnagel and Emmanuel Reynaud)
Pavel Tomancak, Ph.D.
Group Leader
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfotenhauerstr. 108
D-01307 Dresden Tel.: +49 351 210 2670
Germany Fax: +49 351 210 2020
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