Dear ImageJ community,
Two bioimage analysis-related meetings, EUBIAS showcase and QBI, are coming
in the beginning of January 2015 in Paris. We are looking forward to your
*EUBIAS showcase: 5, 6 of January, Institut Curie, Paris* showcase meeting of EuBIAS aims at promoting the use of state-of-art
image processing algorithms by increasing the communication within the
image analysis community. Developers from various software packages and
libraries present their recent activities and image analysts and biologists
will then be updated with the latest scene of the tool development, and at
the same time are expected to provide feedback and to get in direct contact
with the developers of the tools that they are using in everyday research.
Moreover, we will discuss on the further development of bioimage analysis
*!!Abstract submission deadline: Nov. 1st*
Jean Salamero (Institut Curie, Paris)
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux (Institut Curie, Paris)
Julien Colombelli (IRB, Barcelona)
Sébastien Tosi (IRB, Barcelona)
Kota Miura (EMBL, Heidelberg)
*QBI: 7, 8, 9 of January, Institut Pasteur, Paris*
http://www.quantitativebioimaging.comThe Quantitative BioImaging (QBI) 2015 will be the 3rd international
conference in this series with focus on the quantitative analysis of
bioimaging data in an interdisciplinary manner. It will bring together
researchers from engineering, (bio)physics, biology and chemistry who work
on quantitative aspects of microscopy.
Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)
Charles Kervrann (Inria Rennes, Rennes, France)
Jean Salamero (Institut Curie, Paris)
Keith A. Lidke (University of New Mexico, USA)
Raimund J. Ober (Texas A&M University, College Station, USA)
Bernd Rieger (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Diane S. Lidke (University of New Mexico, USA)
Both Eubias conference and QBI conference are strongly supported by France
Bio Imaging (FBI). Eubias conference is supported by the french microscopy
society (sfmu). The complete list of sponsors is available on our websites.
Kota Miura
-------------------------------------------------------------*Dr. Kota Miura*
Scientist & IT Engineer
Centre for Molecular and Cellular Imaging,
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstr. 1
69117 Heidelberg
Tel +49 6221 387 404
Mobile +49 160 95001177
Fax +49 6221 387 512
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