Editing ROI manager files

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Editing ROI manager files

Ray Wery
Can someone point me to a reference on how to edit the .roi file that is
created when saving roi's in ROI Manager?
I would like to make a set of ROI's, save them to a .roi file using the
ROI manager, then be able to adjust the position of the ROI's by
modifying the .roi file.
Thank you

Raymond Wery, M.S.
Medical Physicist / Radiation Safety Officer
Aspirus Wausau Hospital
333 Pine Ridge Boulevard
Wausau, WI  54401

Fax 715-847-2640
[hidden email]
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Re: Editing ROI manager files

Wayne Rasband
On Sep 5, 2008, at 12:29 PM, Ray Wery wrote:

> Can someone point me to a reference on how to edit the .roi file that
> is
> created when saving roi's in ROI Manager?
> I would like to make a set of ROI's, save them to a .roi file using the
> ROI manager, then be able to adjust the position of the ROI's by
> modifying the .roi file.

There are comments in the RoiDecoder source at


that describe the .roi file format.
