You must convert each of your two RGB images to RGB stacks, using the
'Image/Type/RGB Stack' command, and then call TurboReg.
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 7:55 AM, Milad Alemzadeh <
[hidden email]>
> Dear all,
> I am new to ImageJ. I want to use TurboReg to align some images. I could
> not find any instruction on installing plugins in ImageJ so I just copied
> the folder "TurboReg" in the plugins folder of ImageJ, is this right?
> Anyway, after copying the folder, the TurboReg submenu appeared in plugins
> menu but when I click it it says: "At least two grayscale or RGB-stack
> images are required". I already had two images open with the same size,
> both RGB. I tried to make them a stack. no luck! I used Import>Image
> Sequence, no luck either!! I read the java code and realized it should be
> able to acquire those open images since it uses "WindowManager.getIDList
> ()" and those images are in the windows list. So, I assume the only thing
> that might be problem is my way of installing the plugins which makes
> TurboReg not able communicating with ImageJ.
> Can you help me out here? Thanks.
> Milad