Excel Writer

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Excel Writer

Teodora-Adriana Barbacaru

we are trying to integrate some sub-menus of the Excel Toolbar into a
macro. The only thing we can execute with success via the macro is the
opening of the Excel Writer Toolbar with the command
run("Excel ToolBar...");
but we would like to know the macro commands to open an Excel file,
chose the right sheet and add data from the results window (or from the
log window if possible).
The Excel Writer Plugin is installed and all the submenus work perfectly
when executed manually. But the commands do not appear in the Record
In an older macro, written by somebody I do not know, I found command
lines like
run("Excel Writer", "select...=[C:\\Documents and
but they are not executed. Did this work in an older version of Excel
Thanks a lot in advance if you can help us.

Adriana T. Perles