Feret diameter by class

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Feret diameter by class

Hi all,

I am looking to transfer away from a 32-bit version of image tool and bring all my work on to imageJ, the last task to bring over is a class measurement system for Feret diameter. Our client requires - for distribution purposes - feret diameters to be grouped by size such as 0-50, 51-100, 101-150 etc (in um). I have been able to get a window with all of the feret diameters for all 2000+ carbides per image into excel and would rather keep an old machine running than manually group these.

The ideal plugin would let me (in a similar way to the 'Analyze Particles' tool), query for Feret Diameter by size 51-100 and it chuck out the number of ROIs meeting that criteria. I can then write a macro to automate this for every range we need.

I have tried installing ShapeROI, but this seems to do nothing... I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction of a plugin, or process, that can do this.
