Dear all,
it is my very big pleasure to inform you that Erik Meijering has permitted
the Fiji project to ship the TransformJ plugins together with their source
code within Fiji. While at it, he also allowed us the same for FeatureJ
and RandomJ.
Why is this such a big deal?
Fiji is meant to be used in the scientific context. The goal of science is
to further knowledge, therefore it is good to disclose methods fully.
Even more: full disclosure helps spot mistakes early on (we are human,
after all!), and it also discourages the odd scientist who does not try
with all strength to be truthful.
Open Source is also in the good tradition of "standing on each others
shoulders". Science would not be where it is, if it was not for learning
from, and teaching to, the others all the time, and sharing new insights.
So: thank you very much Erik for sharing your knowledge and expertise with
Let me also take the opportunity to thank Dr Daniel James White for the
incredible patience with which he taught the aforementioned basic
scientific principles to generations of students, and certainly to yours