Fiji is messed up after update

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Fiji is messed up after update

Hey guys,

Before I start: I'm really not an expert in Fiji which is why I want to apologise in advance for the triviality of my question.

So what happened is that I updated my well-working version of Fiji and now a few things are messed up.

First, I cannot change the LUT anymore. I usually work with z-stacks which have 2-3 different channels and I want the channels to be in red, green and blue. When I split the channels and change the LUT of one of them into lets say blue, the one picture I changed is displayed in blue, but as soon as I scroll through the z-stack Fiji kind of 'forgets' the colour and every picture (also the one that was previously displayed in blue) is gray again.

Second, when I load the z-stack I usally choose 'Split channels'. After I've decided which channels I will need, I want to merge them again. But somehow merging the channels gives me a stack which only contains the very first image of the stack, every other image is lost. Although the option to scroll through the z-plane is still there, scrolling through does not show any other image than the first.

After working with the image a bit, I would usually use the neurite tracer. But since I couldn't go any futher, I cannot say if there are any other issues.

I already tried to restart the computer, to delete my folder and download a fresh version from the website again and I tried to downgrade fiji to an older version. Nothing has worked so far and I cannot figure out the solution on my own.

I really hope someone can help me.
