Dear Fiji users,
as many of you know, for some time we already ship the ImageJ2
infrastructure in Fiji and use it for a couple of functions (notably the
I just uploaded changes to the startup process which will help us make
more use of SCIFIO, ImageJ2, SciJava-common and all the goodies that are
only partially available to Fiji so far.
Before y'all doze away: yes, this is all boring stuff, but very important
for the next (user-visible) steps. And while I tested things thoroughly,
adding automated tests to provide decent backwards-compatibility, there is
of course always the chance that something subtle broke.
So as always: if you have something important to do and cannot afford any
breakage at all, e.g. because you are struggling to finish that paper, or
your presentation is due tomorrow, you might find it a fantastic idea to
ignore that dialog that asks you to update for a while.
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