Fill/clear behaviour on multichannel image depends on display mode

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Fill/clear behaviour on multichannel image depends on display mode

Straub, Volko A. (Dr.)
Dear All,

I just noticed that the 'Fill' and 'Clear' commands behave differently on multichannel images depending on the display mode. If a multichannel image is shown in 'Color' mode, creating a selection and then click on 'Fill' or 'Clear' opens a dialog asking whether all channels should be processed. However, when the same image is displayed in 'Composite' mode, the selection is filled/cleared on all channels without an option to chose whether to process all channels.
I am not sure whether this has always been the case. Is this the intended behaviour or a bug? I would find it useful if there was an option to fill/clear the selection on just the current channel without having to switch to 'Color' mode as making the selection on one channel may require information contained in some of the other channels.
I am currently running Fiji/ImageJ v1.52k.


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