Am 09.08.2013 16:26, schrieb Thorsten Wagner:
> Dear list!
> I want to announce the first release of the Non-Local-Means Denoising
> Plugin for ImageJ/Fiji. It was developed by Pascal Behnel in my work
> group at my university and is maintained by him and me.
> The source and the binaries can be downloaded here:
> In the next few weeks, I will add a Fiji Update Page.
Thank you for your effort. I made some tests and compared to Bilinear
Filtering or Anisotropic Smoothing this filter has its quality as well
as drawbacks. The biggest right now; it is rather slow on high resolution.
Thank you anyway..
Rainer M. Engel, Dipl. Digital Artist
scientific|Media GbR
Pichelsdorfer Str. 143
13595 Berlin
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