Flatten Overlay Font Problem

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Flatten Overlay Font Problem

Paul Grimm-2
Hi Group
I am hoping for help on a small but irritating issue.

I use the particle analyzer to generate masks of thresholded selections with numbering.

"run("Analyze Particles...", "size=80-40000 circularity=0.70-1.00 show=Masks display add");"

I want to copy the mask with numbers and then past it to another image. Simply copying doesn't copy the numbers (only the mask) so I use the Image>Overlay>Flatten command. However, when I  do, the font of the numbers shrinks to where the numbers are impossible to read. I have tried changing the font (Edit>Options>Fonts) but that doesn't work.

Anybody have an answer?

(Macintosh, OS 10.6.4 running ImageJ 1.44d, 64 bit (but has the same issue on 32 bit)

Thanks for your help!

Paul C. Grimm
Professor of Pediatrics
Dept of Pediatric Nephrology
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Stanford University School of Medicine
G306, MC 5208
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5208

phone   650-723-7903
fax       650-736-8423

"When life hands you lemons, ask for a bottle of tequila and salt."
            -- Unanimous
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Re: Flatten Overlay Font Problem

Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]
On Sep 23, 2010, at 2:48 AM, Paul Grimm wrote:

> Hi Group
> I am hoping for help on a small but irritating issue.
> I use the particle analyzer to generate masks of thresholded selections with numbering.
> snip...
> "run("Analyze Particles...", "size=80-40000 circularity=0.70-1.00 show=Masks display add");"
> I want to copy the mask with numbers and then past it to another image. Simply copying doesn't copy the numbers (only the mask) so I use the Image>Overlay>Flatten command. However, when I  do, the font of the numbers shrinks to where the numbers are impossible to read. I have tried changing the font (Edit>Options>Fonts) but that doesn't work.
> Anybody have an answer?

Try using Plugins>Utilities>Capture Image instead of Image>Overlay>Flatten.

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Re: Flatten Overlay Font Problem

Paul Grimm-2
Hi Wayne
Thank you for your advice. That is exactly what I have been doing as a work around.
I analyze thousands of images in batchmode. So the program has to "setBatchMode("exit and display");"  to get the screencapture and then go back into batchmode to continue. Just slows things down so I was hoping someone might have a different answer.
This does the job and it is great software!


Paul C. Grimm
Professor of Pediatrics
Dept of Pediatric Nephrology
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Stanford University School of Medicine
G306, MC 5208
300 Pasteur Drive
Stanford, CA 94305-5208
phone   650-723-7903
fax       650-736-8423

"Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by
stupidity." - Occam

On Sep 23, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:

> On Sep 23, 2010, at 2:48 AM, Paul Grimm wrote:
>> Hi Group
>> I am hoping for help on a small but irritating issue.
>> I use the particle analyzer to generate masks of thresholded selections with numbering.
>> snip...
>> "run("Analyze Particles...", "size=80-40000 circularity=0.70-1.00 show=Masks display add");"
>> I want to copy the mask with numbers and then past it to another image. Simply copying doesn't copy the numbers (only the mask) so I use the Image>Overlay>Flatten command. However, when I  do, the font of the numbers shrinks to where the numbers are impossible to read. I have tried changing the font (Edit>Options>Fonts) but that doesn't work.
>> Anybody have an answer?
> Try using Plugins>Utilities>Capture Image instead of Image>Overlay>Flatten.
> -wayne