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From: "Nardone, Mark (NIH/FAES) [T]" <[hidden email]> Date: Sep 18, 2014 3:49 PM Subject: [Hands-on] Super Resoultion Microscopy workshop at the NIH, October 15-17, 2014 To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]> Cc: SPONSORED BY *FAES (Foundation for The Advanced Education in the Sciences, Inc.) at the National Institutes of Health* We are pleased to announce a new training workshop at the NIH, Bio-Trac 53 "Super Resolution in Microscopy" <http://www.biotrac.com/pages/Tracs/Trac53.html> which will be offered on October 15-17, 2014 at the NIH. Dr. Xufeng Wu (NIH/NHLBI) has put together an excellent program, consisting of lecture presentations given by active researchers from NHLBI, NIBIB, and the HHMI; laboratory support from Dr. Hari Shroff's lab as well as other core facilities on the campus. In this workshop, participants will have *hands-on access* to *six different platforms* throughout the three days of instruction. Each participant will receive a comprehensive binder containing all material presented in the workshop (printed in color) along with laboratory protocols and reference material. There is a class limit of 30 participants with lab rotations containing a maximum of five participants per station. Registration information can be obtained from Ms. Carline Coote at FAES (301-496-7975) or from the Bio-Trac website at www.biotrac.com, workshop schedule and instructor information is listed below. Further information on upcoming Bio-Trac workshops can be found on the calendar link <http://www.biotrac.com/pages/calendar.html> on the Bio-Trac website. *Please forward to others who might be interested * All the best, Mark Mark Nardone Biotechnology Training Contractor Director Bio-Trac/CellServ Programs at the NIH 301-496-8290 Bio-Trac, est. in 1985, has provided training to over 16,000 scientists and is open to the scientific community. Workshop Outline *INTRODUCTION Super Resolution in Microscopy: Principles and Methods October 15-17, 2014* Wednesday, October 15, 2014 1. Introduction (Mark Nardone, FAES Bio-Trac) 9:00-9:15 2. Program Review (Xufeng Wu, Ph.D, NIH/NHLBI) 9:15-9:30 3. Perils and Pitfalls in Super-Resolution Microscopy (Hari Shroff, Ph.D, NIH/NIBIB) 9:30 - 10:10 4. Study of focal adhesions using super resolution imaging (Clare Waterman-Storer, Ph.D., NHLBI/NIH) 10:10- 10:50 5. Cell Biological Studies Using Super Resolution Microscopy (Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, PH.D., NIH/NICHD) 11:00 - 11:45 Lunch 11:45 - 1:00 Laboratory 1:00 - 5:15 5. Introduction and Feature Highlights of the Instrument; Imaging Acquisition Procedures; Sample Preparation Requirements and Recommendations (Dye Choices and Imaging Solutions); Imaging Data Analysis and Presentation; Trouble-shoot Common Problems Super in Resolution Imaging. Laboratory Session I: 1:00-3:00 Laboratory Session II: 3:15-5:15 Thursday, October 16, 2014 Lecture 9:00 - 12:00 1. SIM Microscopy I - Theoretical Basis and Practical Guide: Structured Illumination: Theory and Implementation; Image Reconstruction Algorithms; Keys to a High-Quality Structured-Illumination Microscope (Lin Shao, Ph.D., HHMI/Janelia Farm) 9:00-9:40 2. SIM microscopy II - Theoretical Basis and Practical Guide: Digital Multifocal SIM (the Simplest Implementation); Analog Multifocal SIM (the Fastest Implementation); Alternative Methods of Processing SIM Data (and all Other Forms of Multi-Image Microscopy) (Andrew York, Ph.D., NIH/NIBIB) 9:45-10:25 3. PALM/dSTORM: Theoretical Basis and Practical Guide I; Overview of How PALM/dSTORM Works; Differences Between PALM and dSTORM and Choosing Which to Use; Typical Laser Intensities During Imaging ; What Probes are Available; How to Pick a Good Probe; Optimizing dSTORM Reducing Buffer; How to Interpret Your Final Image (Kem Sochacki, Ph.D., NIH/NHLBI) 10:30 - 11:10 4. PALM/dSTORM: Theoretical Basis and Practical Guide II; Is Your Data Worth Fitting and Reconstructing? Methods for Fitting and Reconstruction; How to Render the Final Image; Precision and Resolution (Gerry Hammond, Ph.D., NIH/NICHD) 11:10 - 11:40 5. PALM/STORM Computer Lab: From Raw Data to Publication Quality Data With ImageJ 11:15-12:45 Lunch 12:00 - 1:00 Laboratory 1:00 - 5:15 5. Introduction and Feature Highlights of the Instrument; Imaging Acquisition Procedures; Sample Preparation Requirements and Recommendations (Dye Choices and Imaging Solutions); Imaging Data Analysis and Presentation; Trouble-shoot Common Problems in Super Resolution Imaging. Laboratory Session V&VI: 1:00-3:00 Laboratory Session VII: 3:15-5:15 Friday, October 17, 2014 Lecture - 9:00 - 12:00 & 1:00 - 4:00 1. Advances in Fluorescent Protein Development and Application in Super Resolution Microscopy (George Patterson, Ph.D., NIH/NIBIB) 8:30 - 9:10 2. STED Microscopy: Theoretical Basis and Practical Guide Basics and Theory; Dyes Suitable for STED Imaging; Problems Associated with STED Imaging; How STED Fits into the Toolbox of Super-Resolution Techniques (Chris Combs, Ph.D., NIH/NHLBI) 9:10-9:50 3. Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy for 3D Live Cell Imaging (Wesley Legant, Ph.D.) 10:00 to 10:30 4. Structured Illumination at TIRF Field for Live Cell Imaging (Dong Li, Ph.D., NIH/NIA) 10:35- 11:05 5. PALM/STORM Computer Lab (Lunch Session): From Raw Data to Publication Quality Data With ImageJ 11:15-12:45 Laboratory 1:00 - 5:15 5. Introduction and Feature Highlights of the Instrument; Imaging Acquisition Procedures; Sample Preparation Requirements and Recommendations (Dye Choices and Imaging Solutions); Imaging Data Analysis and Presentation; Trouble-shoot Common Problems in Super Resolution Imaging. Laboratory Session V & VI: 1:00-3:00 Laboratory Session VII: 3:15-5:15 Laboratory Stations Station I Leica – gSTED microscope, Model # TCS SP8 Geoff Daniels Station II GE – SIM microscope, Model # OMX V4 Katie O’Neil Station III Nikon – STORM microscope, Model # N-STORM Eric Balzer Station IV Zeiss – PALM microscope, Model # ELYRA Elise Shumsky Station V Hari Shroff LAB – Instant SIM Microscope Andrew York Station VI Hari Shroff LAB – Dual-View Plane Illumination Microscope Chenxi Wu Station VII Bob Fasulka – Leica GSD System, Model # GSD ------------------------------ ------------------------------ *Staff List *Mark Nardone Director Bio-Trac Program NIH *Workshop Director* Xufeng S Wu, Ph.D. NIH/NHLBI *Instructors* Christian A Combs NIH/NHLBI Gerry Hammond, Ph.D. NIH/NICHD Wesley Legant, Ph.D. Dong Li, Ph.D. NIH/NIA Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Ph.D. NIH/NICHD George Patterson, Ph.D. NIH/NIBIB Lin Shao, Ph.D. HHMI Hari Shroff, Ph.D. NIH/NIBIB Kem Alyce Sochacki, Ph.D. NIH/NHLBI Justin W Taraska, Ph.D. NIH/NHLBI Clare Waterman-Storer, Ph.D. NIH/NIHLB Chenxi Wu NIH/NIBIB Andrew Gregory York, Ph.D. NIH/NIBIB *Laboratory Instructors * Eric Balzer Nikon Instruments Bob Fasulka Leica Microsystems Katie O'Neil GE Healthcare Elise Shumsky Carl Zeiss MicroImaging Chenxi Wu NIH/NIBIB Instant SIM Microscope Andrew York NIH/NIBIB Dual-View Plane Illumination Microscope Gerry Hammond, Ph.D NIH/NICHD Computer Lab -- ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html |
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