Fwd: Re: Debugging ImageJ with Eclipse

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Fwd: Re: Debugging ImageJ with Eclipse

Huh, that's weird - it appears the list server unsubscribed me without

warning... even more strangely, the email thread between Micheal and
myself  doesn't appear to be in the archive. Anyway...

Hi Michael,

Unfortunately that's exactly what I did, to no effect.

I guess since we've gone so far into the issue at this point I might as
well post the entire story:

Problem 1:
I have two classes in the same project, same directory:


public class DebugClass {

public void run() {
    System.out.println("boy eclipse sure can be stupid");


public class DebugTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    DebugClass dc = new DebugClass();

Running DebugTest works fine. However, when I debug DebugTest and try to
step into DebugClass, I get a source not found error. When I click on
the Edit Source Lookup Path button, sure enough the project folder is in
the path, so I'm thoroughly confused.

Problem 2:
I'm using ImageJ in my project and have the ij.jar file added to the
java build path (project properties>Java Build Path>Libraries). The jar
only has class files so I downloaded the source code and put it in a
different directory. When I try and step into any of the ij.jar classes,
I get the same source not found error. I added the source dir path to
the source lookup path via the button as well as adding it to the jar
source path (project properties>Java Build Path>Libraries>ij.jar>Source
attachment) to no avail. I don't know what else I can to do at this point.

Thanks for the advice so far -

Michael Doube wrote:

> The other option is to:
> Download the source as a zip or directory
> Right click on your project->Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries
> Click on the small triangle to the left of ij.jar
> Select Source Attachment, Edit
> Locate the source zip or directory, OK.
> Source code should now be linked.
>> how to link the source files I've got to the
>> ij.jar file, which should be doable based on the Eclipse docs I've seen.
>> Also, I want to understand what the problem is and how to fix it for
>> future reference.