Gaussian Noise

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Gaussian Noise

Dear ImageJ community,

Can anyone give me the details of how the Gaussian noise is calculated with 'Process > Noise > Add Specified Noise...'? Can anyone reference a paper or give me the basic principle?

I'm asking because I want to add Gaussian noise to an array of numbers. I would prefer not to export my data to another platform e.g. Excel or R. If I know the details of how the Gaussian noise is added in an image then I could have a go at writing an algorithm that will do this to an array of numbers. Failing that, I suppose I could do the reverse and turn my array of numbers into an image - then use 'Process > Noise > Add Specified Noise...'.

I welcome your thoughts or comments,



Gregory James
Clinical Scientist (Nuclear Medicine)
Department of Physics and Nuclear Medicine
City Hospital
Dudley Road
B18 7QH

0121 507 4043


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Re: Gaussian Noise

Good day Greg,

I'm not perfectly sure but most probable the Java approach is used:

Random ran = new Random();
double gRan = ran.nextGaussian();

For ImageJ you can find the Java method here:

HTH a bit


Am 05.11.18 um 13:21 schrieb JAMES, gregory (SANDWELL AND WEST

> Dear ImageJ community,
> Can anyone give me the details of how the Gaussian noise is calculated with 'Process > Noise > Add Specified Noise...'? Can anyone reference a paper or give me the basic principle?
> I'm asking because I want to add Gaussian noise to an array of numbers. I would prefer not to export my data to another platform e.g. Excel or R. If I know the details of how the Gaussian noise is added in an image then I could have a go at writing an algorithm that will do this to an array of numbers. Failing that, I suppose I could do the reverse and turn my array of numbers into an image - then use 'Process > Noise > Add Specified Noise...'.
> I welcome your thoughts or comments,
> Thanks,
> Greg.
> __________________________________________
> Gregory James
> Clinical Scientist (Nuclear Medicine)
> Department of Physics and Nuclear Medicine
> City Hospital
> Dudley Road
> Birmingham
> B18 7QH
> 0121 507 4043
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Re: Gaussian Noise

Gabriel Landini
Hi Greg, search for "noise" in these files, depending what type of image you
are adding noise to:



On Monday, 5 November 2018 12:21:32 GMT you wrote:

> Dear ImageJ community,
> Can anyone give me the details of how the Gaussian noise is calculated with
> 'Process > Noise > Add Specified Noise...'? Can anyone reference a paper or
> give me the basic principle?
> I'm asking because I want to add Gaussian noise to an array of numbers. I
> would prefer not to export my data to another platform e.g. Excel or R. If
> I know the details of how the Gaussian noise is added in an image then I
> could have a go at writing an algorithm that will do this to an array of
> numbers. Failing that, I suppose I could do the reverse and turn my array
> of numbers into an image - then use 'Process > Noise > Add Specified
> Noise...'.
> I welcome your thoughts or comments,
> Thanks,
> Greg.
> __________________________________________
> Gregory James
> Clinical Scientist (Nuclear Medicine)
> Department of Physics and Nuclear Medicine
> City Hospital
> Dudley Road
> Birmingham
> B18 7QH
> 0121 507 4043
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