Get total counts from each counter in Results table (for macro)

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Get total counts from each counter in Results table (for macro)

Dear All,

I am using Multipoint Tool to count events in some images. In Results
table I got total counts and in Counter column these counts are assigned
to specific counter. How I can extract total values from each counter
with macro? Saying, I got Counters 0, 1 and 2 with different counts in each.


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Re: Get total counts from each counter in Results table (for macro)

Wayne Rasband-2
> On Nov 6, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Aleksandr Mironov <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am using Multipoint Tool to count events in some images. In Results table I got total counts and in Counter column these counts are assigned to specific counter. How I can extract total values from each counter with macro? Saying, I got Counters 0, 1 and 2 with different counts in each.

The following macro displays the counts in a table (using Edit>Selection>Properties with alt key down) and then extracts and prints the count totals from the last row of the table.

  run("Properties... ");
  headers = split(Table.headings,"\t");
  for (i=1; i<headers.length; i++)
     print(headers[i]+" = "+Table.get(headers[i],Table.size-1));

For a table that looks like this

  Slice  Ctr 0  Ctr 1  Ctr 2
    1       3        3        0
    2       0        3        4
    3       0        0        5
  Total   3        6        9

the macro outputs

  Ctr 0 = 3
  Ctr 1 = 6
  Ctr 2 = 9

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Re: Get total counts from each counter in Results table (for macro)

Dear Wayne,

Thank you! I have two questions.

1) This "alt" "Properties" is it something new and can be used only in
macro? I tried to reproduce it manually pressing "alt" and clicking
Properties - did not work but works in macro. Is it documented anywhere?

2) In your example table there are 4 rows (if I look into
print(Table.size)) and you are extracting count totals from the 4th row.
However the argument "Table.size-1" (in Table.get) is pointing to 3rd
row. Am I missing something here?


On 07/11/2018 04:39, Wayne Rasband wrote:

>> On Nov 6, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Aleksandr Mironov <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am using Multipoint Tool to count events in some images. In Results table I got total counts and in Counter column these counts are assigned to specific counter. How I can extract total values from each counter with macro? Saying, I got Counters 0, 1 and 2 with different counts in each.
> The following macro displays the counts in a table (using Edit>Selection>Properties with alt key down) and then extracts and prints the count totals from the last row of the table.
>    setKeyDown("alt");
>    run("Properties... ");
>    headers = split(Table.headings,"\t");
>    for (i=1; i<headers.length; i++)
>       print(headers[i]+" = "+Table.get(headers[i],Table.size-1));
> For a table that looks like this
>    Slice  Ctr 0  Ctr 1  Ctr 2
>      1       3        3        0
>      2       0        3        4
>      3       0        0        5
>    Total   3        6        9
> the macro outputs
>    Ctr 0 = 3
>    Ctr 1 = 6
>    Ctr 2 = 9
> -wayne
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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Re: Get total counts from each counter in Results table (for macro)

Michael Schmid
Hi Alex,

(1) alt key: In Edit>Selection>Properties there is a checkbox
"Show point counts (shortcut: alt y)"
For me, alt-y (or ctrl-alt-y) works with multi-point selections, it
creates a ResultsTable and enters the counter.

(2) Why "Table.size-1":

In ImageJ, as in Java, almost everything is numbered starting with 0.
So, if you have four rows, they are 0, 1, 2, and 3. Java even counts the
months of a year from 0 (January) to 11 (December).

The only exception that I am aware of: Stack slices in ImageJ are
numbered starting with 1.
I guess that's because the slice number appears on the user interface,
e.g. as 1/20 in the top-left corner of the image for the first slice out
of 20.
It would be confusing to have a different slice index on the display and
for programming, so slice numbers for programming also start with 1.

If rows in a table correspond to stack slices, this leads to the
unfortunate situation that the row numbers are slice numbers minus one.

On 07.11.18 12:17, Aleksandr Mironov wrote:

> Dear Wayne,
> Thank you! I have two questions.
> 1) This "alt" "Properties" is it something new and can be used only in
> macro? I tried to reproduce it manually pressing "alt" and clicking
> Properties - did not work but works in macro. Is it documented anywhere?
> 2) In your example table there are 4 rows (if I look into
> print(Table.size)) and you are extracting count totals from the 4th row.
> However the argument "Table.size-1" (in Table.get) is pointing to 3rd
> row. Am I missing something here?
> Sincerely,
> Alex
> On 07/11/2018 04:39, Wayne Rasband wrote:
>>> On Nov 6, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Aleksandr Mironov
>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am using Multipoint Tool to count events in some images. In Results
>>> table I got total counts and in Counter column these counts are
>>> assigned to specific counter. How I can extract total values from
>>> each counter with macro? Saying, I got Counters 0, 1 and 2 with
>>> different counts in each.
>> The following macro displays the counts in a table (using
>> Edit>Selection>Properties with alt key down) and then extracts and
>> prints the count totals from the last row of the table.
>>    setKeyDown("alt");
>>    run("Properties... ");
>>    headers = split(Table.headings,"\t");
>>    for (i=1; i<headers.length; i++)
>>       print(headers[i]+" = "+Table.get(headers[i],Table.size-1));
>> For a table that looks like this
>>    Slice  Ctr 0  Ctr 1  Ctr 2
>>      1       3        3        0
>>      2       0        3        4
>>      3       0        0        5
>>    Total   3        6        9
>> the macro outputs
>>    Ctr 0 = 3
>>    Ctr 1 = 6
>>    Ctr 2 = 9
>> -wayne
>> --
>> ImageJ mailing list:
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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