Hi all,
A macro script I wrote was behaving strangely since ImageJ version 1.44. I found out that getpixel() built-in macro function is responsible of my problem.
For some reasons, I am using real numbers for x,y coordinates when investigating pixel value with getpixel(x,y) function. Prior version 1.44 the function probably rounded x,y to the closer integers values and returned the appropriate pixel value.... but no more. Is it a bug? I tested the following code under Linux and Windows with the same results.
I have simply fixed my issue by using round() macro like in getPixel(round(x),round(y)).
macro "Test Bug"
//Create new image with grey value (125,125,125)
for (x=0;x<50;x++)
//Set X,y coordinates with real numbers
// Set black color RGB
red = 0; green = 0; blue = 0;
rgb = getPixel(x,y);
red = (rgb>>16)&0xff; // extract red byte (bits 23-17)
green = (rgb>>8)&0xff; // extract green byte (bits 15-8)
blue = rgb&0xff; // extract blue byte (bits 7-0)
print("With version 1.44 and above, The returned RGB value will not be 0,0,0" );
print("Using real coordinates "+"("+x+","+y+")"+" red="+red+" green="+green+" blue="+blue);
rgb = getPixel(round(x),round(y));
red = (rgb>>16)&0xff; // extract red byte (bits 23-17)
green = (rgb>>8)&0xff; // extract green byte (bits 15-8)
blue = rgb&0xff; // extract blue byte (bits 7-0)
print("Using Round() function, The returned RGB value will be 0,0,0" );
print("Using integer coordinates "+"("+round(x)+","+round(y)+")"+" red="+red+" green="+green+" blue="+blue);
Gilbert Bigras, M.D., Ph.D., FRCPC (Path)
Cross Cancer Institute
11560 University Avenue Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 1Z2
Associate clinical Professor
Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
University of Alberta, Canada
Phone: 780-432-8445 (extension 8445) Fax: 780-432-8455
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